Photo of Susana Grasselli Argentina

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I was born in the town of San Nicolas and currently living in Buenos Aires Province. I can not say I'm self taught and always attended workshops and teachers who helped me and help in this way apacionante which is the art of painting. Currently attends the workshop of Master Heriberto Zorrilla, whom I owe publicly. He is the founder, along with Helen Distefano, a movement called "essential." This movement offers a...

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44.09 x 34.25 in
27.56 x 19.69 in
43.31 x 33.46 in
43.31 x 33.46 in
19.69 x 19.69 in
19.69 x 19.69 in
11.81 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 19.69 in
27.56 x 31.50 in
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Photo of Susana Grasselli Argentina

I was born in the town of San Nicolas and currently living in Buenos Aires Province. I can not say I'm self taught and always attended workshops and teachers who helped me and help in this way apacionante which is the art of painting. Currently attends the workshop of Master Heriberto Zorrilla, whom I owe publicly. He is the founder, along with Helen Distefano, a movement called "essential." This movement offers a search of the work in which, from the intimate and vital experience, the subject discovers his creativity, get rich in associations of lines, shapes, architectures, and remnants of color space, which come into fellowship for engender a whole, and finding the ideal form of the work, finds himself, but also something ineffable and inponderable living with them is feeling.

1997: Reference: In the Salon Regional Encouragement "Manuel Asso", Pergamino.

1997: Selected in the 5 th Salon of Plastic Arts "Luis Napolis" Captain Sarmiento.

1998: Participates in the sample of the Municipal Culture stand in Expochacra Reef 98, Reef.

1999: Participates in the National Exhibition shows the "Women and Cultural role", La Plata.

1999: Selected in the 7th Exhibition of Plastic Arts "Louis Napoli, Capitán Sarmiento.

2000: Statement: In the Hall of Plastic Arts "Louis Napoli, Capitán Sarmiento.

2002: Selected for the Hall of Plastic Arts "Louis Napoli, Capitán Sarmiento.

2002: Selected in the Cultural Centre "Villa la Fuente," Buenos Aires

2003: 3 ° underline "> Mention: In the Hall of Plastic Arts" Louis Napoli. "Capitán Sarmiento.

2007: individual expositions Credicop Bank, Coral.

2008: Statement: In the Hall of Plastic Arts "Louis Naples." Capitán Sarmiento.

2008: Participates in group show at the hall of lost steps of the Faculty of Law, Buenos Aires.

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